To become a member of RAAP you will need to send us:
- A completed membership application form.
- A completed discography form (see below for field explanation).
- A copy of your passport or birth certificate.
When we receive all three documents we will process your application and email/post you out your membership number. Please note, you do not need to wait for your membership number to complete your discography form when you are first registering.
We ask you to complete as much detail as possible. It is imperative that you write clearly as the information is entered manually onto a database. Illegible information will not be entered and claims could be lost.
Whether you are a featured artist or a session musician, if any tracks that you have performed on are broadcast on the radio or played in public, you need to register with RAAP to ensure you receive any airplay royalties that may be due to you.
The following persons shall be eligible for admission to membership of RAAP:
- Any performer or proprietor of rights in performances.
- Any spouse, child or other relative, next of kin, beneficiary in respect of the right in the performance of a deceased performer, personal representative or trustee of any deceased performer or of any deceased member.
Yes, the fact that you might be resident outside of the Republic of Ireland does not affect your ability to become a member of RAAP.
Membership is free. RAAP is a not-for-profit organisation.
No, each performer has an individual right and so must register separately.
Any member may, by giving three months notice in writing to The Secretary, terminate his/her membership.
We make two annual distributions a year, in May/June for Irish income and December for foreign income. Please note distributions are based on the previous airplay calendar year, for example, Irish airplay received during 2009 will be paid out in May/June 2010.
You will receive your royalty payments by fund transfers directly into your bank account. Please note, foreign bank details must also include a BIC/SWIFT code and an IBAN number.
Due to the cost factors of distributing small amounts, RAAP will not make a distribution payment where a member’s total credit at any distribution amounts to less than €40. These royalties are held on-account for members and paid when the minimum level for royalty payment is reached.
If we have identified your airplay it will be captured and protected, otherwise we are able to backdate Irish airplay royalties three years. Foreign airplay varies from country to country but the standard term is also three years.
It is up to individual members to register their performances with RAAP.
To exploit fully your earning potential it is very important that you update your registered works with RAAP as soon as they are complete.
Yes, but please notify us if there are any changes made to the final version released.
No, unless you have contributed a sound recording to the individual track we are unable to claim for you.
No, unless you have contributed a sound recording to the individual track we are unable to claim for you.
Yes, while we have made every effort to ensure the absolute accuracy of these statements, we are unfortunately reliant upon the data supplied to us by the users. Sometimes this information is difficult to discern or incorrectly defined. While we make substantial efforts to correct all information prior to distribution, it is possible that adjustments may need to be made on an ongoing basis.
No, to obtain ISRC codes please contact PPI – www.ppimusic.ie
It is possible to be a member of all three organisations if you have written the song, performed on the sound recording and produced and own the recording. You are then entitled to royalties for all three rights.
- Membership Name – Your name.
- Membership Number – Assigned by RAAP once registration is complete. Leave blank if you have not received this from us yet.
- Track Title – The title of the track you are registering, this must be included.
- Album Title – The title of the album you are registering.
- Name of Main Artist or Band – The name of the performer or group. It is imperative that we receive the full name of the main artist. For compilation albums please list each artist individually, ‘Various Artists’ will not suffice.
- Role(s)- The instrument/vocal input you have made to the recording.
- Record Company – The name of the record company the recording is released under.
- ISRC – An ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is an international means of identification of sound-recordings and music-videos. These codes can be obtained from PPI.
- Catalogue Number – The catalogue number of the recording released.
- Country of Recording – The country the record was recorded in. If more than one please list all.
- Year of Release or Recording – The year the record was first released/recorded.
- No. of Featured Performers – The number of main artists who have made a sound contribution to the recording.
- No. of Non-Featured Performers – The number of session musicians who have made a sound contribution to the recording.
- Contribution Category Featured/Non-Featured – A featured artist is the main artist, e.g. a member of the band/ensemble/solo performer etc. A non-featured artist is a session musician hired for those recordings.
IMRO is a national organisation that administers the performing right in copyright music in Ireland on behalf of its members – songwriters, composers, and music publishers – and on behalf of the members of the international overseas societies that are affiliated to it. IMRO’s function is to collect and distribute royalties arising from the public performance of copyright works.
Website – www.imro.ie
Mechanical Copyright Protection Society Limited (MCPS) is an organisation that represents thousands of composers and publishers of music. By way of reciprocal agreements with other organisations around the world, MCPS also represents the interests of many thousands of other music copyright owners in other countries. MCPS licenses companies and individuals who record its members’ musical works and collects and distributes the royalties payable under those licences. This service is available to anybody who wants to record music including record companies, independent production companies and many others. MCPS also licenses the importation of recordings from outside of the EU.
Website – www.mcps.ie
Phonographic Performance (Ireland) Limited was established in 1968 to act as a central administrator of record company rights in the public performance, broadcasting, and reproduction of their recordings. PPI is owned by its members – Irish and multinational record companies – and membership is open to all record companies, big and small.
Website – www.ppiltd.com
The Irish Recorded Music Association is a non-profit making association set up by record companies and companies carrying on associated trades in the Republic of Ireland, to provide members with a convenient means to discuss matters of common interest between themselves and to provide a medium to represent the Irish record industry in negotiations with Government Departments and other interested parties. Generally, it operates to promote and protect the welfare and interests of the Irish record industry.
Website – www.irma.ie

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